Online Since 12/15/2003


We the members of Beta Sigma Upsilon Sigma International Collegiate Service Fraternity and Sorority, imploring the aid of the divine providence, determined to an organization to foster unity, solidarity, brotherhood and sisterhood; social relationship and cooperative endeavor among the students and youth throughout the country and world; to establish an organization; to uphold the principles and practice of equality, liberty, honesty, peace, unity, justice, love and integrity: by promoting general welfare and academic goals through active participation of school activities; and to conserve and develop our commitment and service to the community; and secure to ourselves and to our posterity the blessings of independent, democratic and honor organization have resolve to combined our efforts to accomplish this end.

Brief History

This organization is founded in the City of Cagayan de Oro known as the City of Golden Friendship. By the active and energetic youth in their society. This Organization is a Licensed organization by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) with its serial number CN200626242.  The main purpose of this organization is to transmit Peace, Unity, and Justice to the world.  And to lead the Youth to become a good citizen in their community.  Specially  Students and not only Students but also the out of school youth in the society so that they will not become a problem in the community and to take them away from bad vices.  Specially Drug Addiction and other unethical deeds in the society of today .

This organization is a service orgranization concerning the Youth of today. Because they believed that the youth is the hopeof the nation. That's why they are very concerned of the youth in the society. And this organization are now spreading and going strong in the Philippines. And not only in the Philippines but also in the other country. And soon it will be known in the whole world.


In the universal, the prime objective of Beta Sigma Upsilon Sigma is to strengthen the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood of Students and Youth. To extend its services and commitments thoughout the country and to conquer the four corners of the world.

In particular, the objective of the Beta Sigma Upsilon Sigma shall endeavor: To fulfill its role in nation building by maintaining to accomplished its goals and aspiration.

To have a steady firm growth through the development of the society that is responsive to the aspiration of the students and youths. To identified with its commitments and leadership of the members relevant to the condition and needs of the students and youths. Adhering to the divine principle of brotherhood and sisterhood in arms laid down by its founders as an independent well oriented organization. To deepen relationship and promote peace, unity and  harmony among the members of other fraternity and sorority or such related organization if possible.

To maintain its identity as a collective body on matters which  are relevant to the academic, social, economic, cultural and professionalism upliftment of the members.

To promote and participate in the sport development programs of the organization itself and government for the Benefits of Sportsmanship. To formulate, promulgate, implement rules and regulation as  may be essential and necessary to carry out the purpose of the organization.   


The Beta Sigma Upsilon Sigma shall have its mother chapter located in Cagayan de Oro City and shall be called as Omicron Supreme Chapter

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